After the Dust Settles

Let me preface this by saying that people all over the U.S. read our blog, many knew our dilemma before we left on our trip, many do not.  We have had the Spirit's urging more and more recently about whether we are in the right place in our spiritual life.  We thought that the time away from everything on our Texas trip would help clear the fog in our minds.  We think it did.  We are now in the process of moving our church membership to Risen Savior Lutheran.  Before leaving we visited several different churches and we have come to believe that this is where God wants us to be at this time.  We were beginning to realize that the church we were going to was getting farther and farther from the Gospel of Jesus Christ and more toward the culture of today and trying to please everyone without offending anyone.  This is not to say we are right and they are wrong, but to say that this is not where our spiritual security is.  We cannot afford to jeopardize our eternity to satisfy being swayed by culture and the dogma of well, if you think something is right, then it is right, regardless of what Scripture says. 

We realize that we may lose "friends" over this.  Job lost all but three "friends" in a matter of hours, but God blessed him many times more than he had to begin with.  It's funny, when you have to make serious life decisions, you find out who your real friends are.  Ours are not who we thought they were.  Some we thought were close friends haven't bothered to contact us since we left on the Texas trip.  Others we thought were not-so-good friends have commented on our blog, let us know how much they missed us, and stayed in contact.  Life is funny, isn't it?

On a brighter note, we considered our NOMADS trip to be a great success, and have signed up to lead a couple more missions next year, one in Michigan and one in North Carolina.  We are looking forward to those and other fun trips we have planned.  Will clue you in when plans are more concrete.


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