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You ask "What is NOMADS?"

NOMADS is an acronym for Nomads on a Mission Active in Divine Service.  It is a mission of the United Methodist Church, but you don't have to be a Methodist to belong.  You just have to have an RV and love helping other people.  We have been a member since 2008, but we started our work with Hurricane Katrina in 2005.  There are two "sections", regular projects which include helping at churches, colleges, nursing homes, and summer camps and conference centers.  The other is Disaster Rebuilding.  We have done both.  Disaster Rebuilding is our first love.  We love meeting the homeowner, however we don't always get to do this.  This puts a face with the home where we are working and makes it more personal.  Homeowners are those who don't have insurance or other means of rebuilding their homes.  NOMADS helps them obtain grants and other government aid, then use money that we, the NOMADS, have gifted or raised for this purpose.  There is only ONE "employee", and she is our Director.  So most of of NOMADS money goes directly to those who need it.  You can read more about it at

Our travels this summer will take us to two NOMADS projects, one in North Carolina and one in Wisconsin. 


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